Frequently Asked Questions

1. Check-in/check-out

The reception is open every day from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

Check-in : the check-in takes place on arrival, when we hand you the key to your accommodation and inform you of all the details of your workshop.

Check-out : rooms must be vacated by 11 a.m. on the last day of the course. To validate your check-out, you will need to return the key to your accommodation.

2. Equipment

All our accommodations are equipped with bed linen, heating and fan.

Double rooms and double chalet cassines are supplied with towels.

For individual cabins, double cabins, tents, shared rooms, 3-4 person rooms, remember to bring your own towel.

For accommodations with shared bathroom facilities, remember to bring your own towel and open-toed shoes.

3. Sharing a room

All our accommodations are shared by default. With the exception of individual cabins.

We make sure that participants are not mixed according to gender or workshops.

If you wish to be accommodated with a person of your choice, please specify this in the tab provided when booking.

4. Late arrival

If you arrive after reception closes at 6pm, we will send you an email with detailed instructions. This email will include a code to access a key box located near reception, as well as a booklet containing your name and assigned accommodation.

5. Payment

Payment for your stay must be made directly on arrival at the Hameau. We do not require a deposit at the time of booking. Payment methods accepted include credit cards (CB), vacation vouchers, cash and cheques.

We don't offer individual accommodation with private bathrooms. However, we can arrange private double rooms, depending on the number of participants. A confirmation with the individual price (130-140-160€ full board, depending on the season) will be sent approximately 10 days before the start of the course. If we are unable to accommodate your request, you will be placed in the accommodation originally requested at the time of booking. In fine weather, we open the cabins

Book: your booking is made via a secure link sent by your instructor after you have registered for the workshop. This link will allow you to choose from the accommodation available for the period of your course.

Cancel: to cancel your reservation, please inform us by email. Your cancellation will be taken into account as soon as we receive your message. Don't forget to notify the course leader of your cancellation.

There are several ways to get to Hameau de l'Étoile. Please visit the access page to discover all the transport options available.

Be sure to use the following address: Domaine le Hameau de l'Etoile, Route de Frouzet, 34380 Saint Martin de Londres.

The chef and his team invite you on a gustatory journey, blending Mediterranean, Asian and Oriental cuisine. Fresh daily menus throughout your stay. All meals are buffet-style. Vegetarian at lunchtime, accompanied by a salad bar and a large cheese platter. In the evening, we offer a unique flexitarian menu (meat or fish), always with a vegetarian option. We can accommodate gluten-free and lactose-free diets, but please let us know when you arrive.
Our wine cellar puts forward our local winemakers and the Pic-Saint-Loup region.

We do not accept camper vans, converted vehicles or campers on the estate, as stays at Hameau de l'Étoile are strictly residential. Guests with a converted vehicle who do not wish to sleep in shared accommodation must reserve at least a bed in a shared room. This gives them access to full-board catering and shared bathroom facilities. On arrival, they must make themselves known at reception to avoid being disturbed by our night watch.

Our sales team is on hand to help you organize your stay, whatever your workshop of course or seminar, from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Don't hesitate to contact us either by telephone on or by the contact form. For quotation requests, we promise to get back to you within 48 hours.

We have a communications department that will support you, once the contract has been drawn up, in promoting your event on our various platforms (website, social networks, newsletter, photo/video, graphics).

If needed or for any emergencies, an on-call service is available from 11pm to 7am; 7 days a week on: 06 98 38 75 73.

Medical Emergencies
Samu: please call 15
Fire brigade: please call 18.
4km from the hamlet, the commune of St Martin de Londres has all the facilities for medical emergencies: 4 doctors, pharmacy, dentist, physiotherapists, fire department rescue center...

Medical Offices
Office of DRS Jouandon and Vincent
Centre médical de la Prairie
2 chemin de la Prairie
34380 Saint Martin de Londres
04 67 55 01 69

Office of Dr. Gwenaelle Mathieu and of Dr. Hélène Renaud
Centre médical de l’Olivette
10 rue de l’Olivette
34190 Ganges
04 67 73 85 52

Pharmarcie Causse
Chemin de la Prairie
34380 Saint Martin de Londres
04 67 55 00 14

Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir dans notre centre, et nous avons mis en place plusieurs aménagements pour faciliter l’accès aux personnes en situation de handicap. Bien que notre hameau, datant du 12e siècle, présente certaines limitations structurelles, nous avons fait en sorte de rendre votre séjour aussi confortable que possible.

Un chemin a été aménagé pour vous offrir un accès facile au restaurant, à votre hébergement et à certaines salles de pratique. Pour votre confort, nous disposons d’un chalet Cassine PMR entièrement équipé, avec un lit médicalisé, une table de lit ajustable, une douche spacieuse avec une chaise et des barres d’appui dans les sanitaires. Une place de parking réservée, à proximité du chalet, est également prévue pour faciliter vos déplacements.

L’espace de restauration est accessible via des rampes vous menant aux terrasses, aussi bien couvertes qu’extérieures. Toutefois, le buffet principal se trouve dans la partie historique du hameau, difficilement accessible en fauteuil roulant en raison des marches. Pas d’inquiétude ! Notre équipe de cuisine vous préparera un plateau sur-mesure, que nous vous apporterons directement à votre table.
Pensez simplement à nous signaler votre arrivée au restaurant pour que nous puissions organiser cela.

Pour le petit-déjeuner, vous pourrez choisir ce qui vous plaît à partir d’un listing que nous vous enverrons à l’avance. Un serveur se fera un plaisir de vous apporter votre petit-déjeuner ainsi que vos boissons chaudes à table.

Enfin, notez que les toilettes PMR ne sont disponibles que dans le chalet Cassine. Si vous avez des besoins spécifiques, n’hésitez pas à nous prévenir à l’avance, cela nous permettra d’organiser au mieux votre séjour et vos repas.
Nous sommes à votre disposition pour toute question ou demande particulière.

Foire aux questions le hameau de letoile scaled