From Friday 20 April 2012 à 0:00
To Sunday 22 April 2012 à 0:00
Organised By: Be Heaven On Earth
Price (accommodation excluded): 275€
Description De L’Événement
Stage de « récupération d’âme »
animé par Patricia White Buffalo, chamane native amérindienne
Vous apprendrez à entrer dans l’univers chamanique à travers des voyages guidés, de la danse transe et des soins chamaniques avec le son. Mais aussi, vous donnerez et recevrez des soins de récupération d’âme qui permettent de récupérer des parties de votre âme qui sont restées bloquées lors de traumatismes, accidents, maladies, abus, opérations chirurgicales ou addiction.
Stage en anglais, traduction en français assurée.
Returning Wholeness ~ Soul Retrieval Workshop
This Shamanic workshop is designed for those who are interested in experiencing personal transformation and healing through Shamanism. Also for practitioners who want to learn to perform Shamanic techniques in their professional practice.
You will learn:
How to enter the Shamanic World through Guided Journeys, Trance Dance & Shamanic Sound Healing. Shamanic techniques, such as performing and receiving a Soul Retrieval which is the act of reclaiming lost parts of our Soul that may have occurred due to traumas, accidents, illness, abuse, surgery or addiction. (This will be the first of a series of shamanic workshops to be offered.)
Patricia White Buffalo has an amazing, moving & inspiring ability to hold both groups & individuals in deep process. Her authentic power & the healing energy she can generate is formidable. This Apache-Mexican Indian woman brings the essence of Shamanism & healing in a way that demystifies the mystical.” John L. Payne
Patricia White Buffalo has 20 years’ experience guiding students to the Shamanic Realm for personal healing & transformation. She integrates her Shamanism with her professional training as a therapist, energy practitioner & musician. She is a graduate & former faculty member of the Brennan School of Healing where she trained in hands-on healing & trans-personal psychology. She is also a graduate of The Center for Intentional Living, focusing on early childhood development, & The Core Energetic Institute, specializing in body-psycho-therapy. As a musician Patricia plays the Native American drum, rattle & flute to induce trance & somatic states for healing. And as a 18 year devotee of Siddha Yoga, Patricia brings to her work her devotional practice of divine worshiping (Bhakti) in the form of chanting (Kirtan).
Step 1: Book Your Training
To book your workshop, please contact the event organizer directly.
Step 2: Book Your Full Board Accommodation
Vous pourrez réserver votre hébergement au Hameau après l’inscription a votre stage ; une fois inscrit(e), un lien internet vous sera transmis par l’organisateur pour effectuer votre choix de chambre et votre réservation.