Du mercredi 19 juin 2019 à 0:00
Au dimanche 23 juin 2019 à 0:00

Organisé par: Be Heaven On Earth



" I am very excited to offer my Shamanic Training and Personal Transformational Program "WALKING THE SHAMAN"S PATH" at Le Hameau de l'Etoile .

This program is a unique, extensive, training and transformational program that includes all the basic teachings of the shamanic practice, but more importantly, A POWERFUL LIFE TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE. With holding the basic belief that, “No one can take another where they have not walked themselves,” you will be trained as a Shamanic Practitioner who has walked their own personal path of self-healing. You will develop mastery of the shamanic journey and communication in the shamanic realm.

Learn several core shamanic techniques, as well as advanced techniques that I have created. Also included in the training is the basic art of laying-on of hands that I have blended with Shamanism.

Your training will include work with individuals, humanity, and the planet. Some of the techniques you will learn are: Trance Dance, Soul Retrieval, Extraction, Shamanic Sound Healing, Past-life and Ancestral Healing.


Come and experience the magical powers of the Shamanic World! "

 Program will be taught in English, with three French specking assistants for language support.


contact in France : Anne Lajara Le Galloudec

Patricia White Buffalo BS A shamanic practitioner, teacher, therapist & musician. She plays the Native American drum & flute to induce trance & somatic states for healing & transformation. She combines shamanism with her professional training. Trained in Hands-on Healing & Transpersonal Psychology with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. She’s also a graduate of The Center for Intentional Living training in Early Childhood Development, & The Core Energetic Institute specializing in body-psycho-therapy. In addition, she brings to her work her devotional practice as a member of Siddha Yoga. Patricia’s 20

Discover the full page about the program : http://beheavenonearth.com/shamanic-programs/#france-program

Walking the Shaman’s Path

A Personal Transformation & Training Program

“Patricia White Buffalo has created a unique and powerful program that heals and awakens people on every level. I cannot recommend this work enough. It is profound. Perfect for individuals wanting to heal soul parts and early childhood experiences and any practitioner helping to bring heaven on earth. Perfect timing as we move towards the next stage in our evolution.” ~Jane, student of the Program, Half Moon Bay, CA..~

We are very excited to introduce, WALKING THE SHAMAN’S PATH, a Shamanic Personal Transformational & Training Program! A unique, extensive, program that includes all the basic teachings of the shamanic practice, but more importantly, it offers A POWERFUL TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE HEALING EXPERIENCE! With holding the basic belief that no one can take another where they have not walked themselves, you will be trained as a Shamanic Practitioner who has walked their own personal path of self-healing & Self Realization.

You will develop mastery of the shamanic journey and communication in the shamanic realm, learn several core shamanic techniques, as well as advanced techniques. Also included in the training is the basic art of Hands-on of healing that have be blended with Shamanism. Your training will include work with individuals, humanity, and the planet.

The program will also incorporate the modern sciences of anatomy, epigenetics and quantum physics to develop a greater foundation for more conscious work in the non-ordinary realities. Finally, you will study Eastern Spirituality, Psych-Spirituality, early child development and develop professional skills necessary to establish a successful practice.   

This Program can also be taken solely for personal healing and self-transformation, while utilizing the Shamanic Training in your existing profession. In training to be present for another, you learn to be more present for yourself, humanity and the planet.

This Program can also be taken solely for personal healing & self-transformation, while utilizing the Shamanic Training in your existing  profession. In training to be present for another you learn to be more present for yourself, humanity and the planet.

Contact Patricia to discuss this comprehensive Shamanic Training Program or receive a brochure & application.

“Patricia White Buffalo’s Walking the Shaman’s Path Program has been deeply transformative and healing on a personal level as well as exceptionally good training for aspiring Shamanic practitioners.  As I walked the medicine wheel, I reclaimed aspects of my soul and healed the wounds of lifetimes past and present. Amazing!  I cannot recommend this program emphatically enough. ~Juli, Program Graduate, Boulder Creek, CA~

 Click here interview with Patricia on Blog talk radio bv Robin Lysn




Shamanism is the most ancient spirituality known to humankind and was practiced on every continent on the Earth. It is an earth-based spirituality that reveres everything, including our planet Earth, as alive in SPIRIT! In the Shamanic world-view, everything that exists is interrelated, interdependent, and the health and survival of humanity and our planet is dependent on maintaining a relationship between Mother Earth and all Nature Spirits. This ancient spirituality can be accessed by the door way of the heart and going into an altered state for self-healing, and healing for humanity and the planet.

In order to interact effectively in the parallel-reality of the Shamanic Realm, you need to be pro-active, empowered, and have the confidence to seek direct information for guidance and healing in any given situation regarding a client, humanity or the planet. This requires the practitioner to master the ability to enter, walk, interpret and communicate within the Shamanic realm, where all the answers and healing knowledge occurs.

In this program you will master the ability to enter the doorway of the Shamanic World. One of the basic forms that will be emphasized will be the Shamanic Journey, Chanting, Ceremony and Trance Dance. With the aid of drumming and other repetitive sound techniques, you will learn to go into an altered state of consciousness that allows you to enter this mystical realm. After mastering this ability, you will learn how to use the information and shamanic techniques to heal and problem-solve at every level of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual being.

Although Shamanism has many different practices from its world-wide traditions, there are several core shamanic techniques that are universally shared. In this program you will learn these basic core techniques such as soul retrieval, recapitulation, power animal retrieval, extraction healing, past-life healing, soul remembering, ancestral healing, and elemental healing. Integrated with these core techniques is a perceptive blend of advanced shamanic techniques; they include: sound, cellular, creation, systems of the body healing and destiny healings.

In all traditions of the shamanic studies there is the importance of accessing one’s own helpers in the form of power animals, nature spirits, guardian spirits, and the ancestors to aid the Practitioner in their healing work. In this program you will be supported as you develop these vital connections to your shamanic helpers. And most importantly, receive support to help you connect to your own ancestral shamanic tradition.

“Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, it is necessary to step through the Shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence.”  
~ Michael Harner, Ph.D. ~


5“Patricia, your course is amazing.  Even though I have been working on myself intensively for the last 12 years, I can’t believe how much healing, of very early childhood wounding, has taken place for me in just the first two classes” ~A.E. , PhD, Brennan Healing Science Practitioner ~

In the process of becoming a Shamanic Practitioner, one must walk their own personal healing journey to truly be able to guide another. In this program you will be required to take this personal path of personal healing, self-transformation and Self-realization through the program’s main psychology/spiritual teaching, THE WHEEL OF AWAKENING, created by the founder and director of the Program, Patricia White Buffalo.

THE WHEEL OF AWAKENING is a unique model that utilizes the teachings of the ancient Medicine Wheel, Early Child Development, Transpersonal Psychology, and Eastern Spirituality. Through these teachings, experientials and transformational processes, your early childhood foundation is developed and strengthened. Your unhealthy egoic false beliefs rewritten, and the DIVINE TRUTH of who you are is REALIZED.

The integration of personal process work with the training of Shamanism helps you become, more grounded, emotionally healthier and more balanced with a stronger foundation of the lower chakra system and a clearer connection to your higher chakra system, while opening the bridge to the upper and lower chakras system through the heart chakra, the doorway to the Shamanic realm.

By learning and experiencing the basic techniques in your own self-healing/self-transformational/Self- realization process, you learn how to walk your clients through their personal process. This gives the Practitioner a greater ability to heal and serve others, humanity and the planet.


Also incorporated in our Program is the ancient technique of Hands-on Healing, also known as Energy or Spiritual Healing. This technique has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years; the Shaman or Medicine Healer of the tribe would channel healing energy to return health to their patient.

You will learn the Chelation created by Rosalyn Bruyere. This is a very effective whole-body technique of hands-on healing. And you will integrate it with several other techniques to balance, clear and repair the Human Energy Field. For instance, Chakra Healing, Repairing and Restructuring the Levels of the Field, Astral and Cord clearing and Hara healing. Combining this work with all those traditional Shamanic techniques you are going to learn, brings the most profound healing impact for your body and for your soul.

“Patricia your Program is amazing! Three years ago I took a leap of faith, I was guided to you, and your Program. They have transformed my life! I am forever grateful to you for this.”  ~Lyn, Graduate of the New York Program~


                  “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the law of the universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

                                  ~Albert Einstein~

The true power of Shamanism is in the ability to walk in both worlds, with one foot in the present-reality, and one foot in the parallel-reality of the shamanic realm. By mastering this discipline, one has greater ability to create profound and lasting transformational shifts in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.

This program is solidly grounded in this discipline. It teaches students how to master the ability to enter and travel the parallel-reality of the Shamanic World utilizing its transformational and healing potential. In addition, it also teaches the studies of anatomy, quantum physics, epigenetics, science of the mind and evolution, to solidly place our footing in present reality.


To be an effective Shamanic Practitioner it’s important to genuinely connect and know how to work with various personalities to be able to reach clients at a deeper soul level. In this program you will be taught the necessary skills to confidently give a personal interview, a collect case history, and evaluate your client’s characterology. With this information you will be better able to communicate and administer to your client. You will also learn the basic skills of transference, listening with presence, and contact while holding healthy boundaries. At a higher level of contact you will learn how to directly communicate with your clients at a soul to soul level. This is an essentialskill to receive the confidence of your client so that deeper forms of healing can occur. Shamanism is sacred and powerful work that requires a high level of professionalism and ethics. Each participant will be taught and develop the basic professionalism and ethics necessary to hold the sacred trust of their client, humanity and the planet in performing this work. Note: Several of these courses will be taught over the Internet on a Webcast site or as a telecourse, to allow more time during our class meetings to focus on the transformational and Shamanic work of the program.

“I am feeling so incredibly blessed and honored to be a part of this  program, I have come so far personally and professionally. I am so very grateful for Patricia as a teacher and to experience all her wonderful gifts. I am a better human being now who is unafraid to be in my essence and shine my light. Patricia you are my mirror. Thank you for all that you do and your, tireless dedication to helping us…the rest of humanity awaken to our magnificence!”~Amanda Wallis, Graduate of the New York Program~ 


 Walking the Shaman’s Path Program

A Personal Transformational & Training  Program is a three year program consisting of three on-site classes each year,  along with 6 telecourses each year, (All telecourses are recorded). Students are only obligated to sign-up one year at a time or prospective students are also welcomed to sign-up for the first class to experience the Program with no obligation to continue the year.

We highly recommend you receiving private sessions through-out the Program’s years, with a Shamanic Practitioner, (Other types of Practitioners or additional Programs are acceptable). If requested applicants can be required to have a phone interview with Program Director or Program Teachers.

The following is required to received a certification of completion of the course: Attending all three years of the on-site classes, (total of 9), listening to all telecourses between classes & completing all reading assignments.

This Program can be taken for PERSOANAL HEALING AND SELF TRANSFORMATION only or students can complete the Graduate Program and become a Certified Shamanic Practitioner.

Walking the Shaman’s Path, Graduate Program

2The program also offers an optional graduate program. After completion of the three year program you will be eligible to participant in the Graduate Program. The Program is for those students wanting to receive a Certification of a Shamanic Practitioner from the Program and have their name posted on Patricia’s web-site as a referred Shamanic Practitioner.

The Graduate Program consists of a week-long vision quest at the Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California. (Note: if student is not able to do the Vision Quest in California they will be able to do their own personal Vision Quest in their own state of country.) In addition to receive a Certification student’s most demonstrate a proficiency in all teachings and skills, complete healing write-ups, required reading and, a oral exam.

Email for an application and more details on cost & program requirements.

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